Stephen M.R. Covey on Extending Trust the Smart Way

Photo of Stephen MR Covey

In this episode of David Novak’s podcast “How Leaders Lead”, David talks to Stephen M.R. Covey, CEO of Covey Leadership Center and author of “The Speed of Trust.”

Stephen believes trust is the key to help teams move faster and be more successful. If team members feel like they’re trusted to do their jobs, they will have better ideas and feel invested in the organization’s success.

It’s up to leaders to extend trust to their teams and unlock this potential. But how can you extend trust while minimizing risk and holding people accountable? Stephen shares strategies to strike the right balance.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Three ingredients that can build trust on a team – starting in a single day
  • Why a team with stark differences can be an advantage instead of a liability
  • Tips to navigate the risks associated with extending trust
  • The surprising risks of not trusting people (and how you can avoid them)

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